2025 Bulletin Board
New Track & Field Rules & Routines!
Get ready for an exciting 2025 Track & Field season. Here are the NEW key details for participation:
Track Meets: Come and go as needed! Arrive 90 minutes before your first event and feel free to leave after cooling down post-event. Exception~ if a meet is during the school day, you will need to stay at the meet until 4:30pm or until you've cooled down after your last event.
Practice Times: Flexible and arranged directly with your event coach. You can participate in another sport and/or club during the season without penalty. Just be aware that there may be a direct correlation between your practice participation and your preferred placement in meets (100% practice attendance will tend to get more preferred event placement).
Transportation: Provided for all meets except Saturday meets and/or meets with limited participation.
Track & Field is an extension of the classroom--
you are always learning and growing!!
Our Team Theme for the Year:
“It's the action, not the fruit of the action, that's important. You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there'll be any fruit. But that doesn't mean you stop doing the right thing. You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result.”
~Mahatma Gandhi
Keep track of your Lettering Requirements here.
Athletes who wish to letter must meet EACH of the following requirements
**Volunteer minimum 6 hours for BHS Track & Field (see website for Volunteer opportunities)
**Earn 10 Varsity Points either through scoring during competition or meeting Event Standards. See website for Event Standard Marks. Being considered for League Championships plays a large part in this, so make sure to submit a form even if you don't have all of your points!
**Participate as a team member at all practices and meets (TEAM PLAYER POINTS can be viewed on the website under "Lettering")
Keeping track of your own points helps you see what it takes to be successful at Meets. It is a great way for you to set goals and measure your performances against athletes from other teams in our League or across the state. You WILL NOT be considered for a Letter if you do not fill out and submit the Lettering Form.
Now that we have completed a few meets, it's time for you to start filling out your Lettering Form.
The Lettering form can be updated throughout the season without losing data. Update it often!!
Keeping track of your own points helps you see what it takes to be successful at Meets. It is a great way for you to set goals and measure your performances against athletes from other teams in our League or across the state.
Now that we have completed a few meets, it's time for you to start filling out your Lettering Form.
The Lettering form can be updated throughout the season without losing data. Update it often!!
Keeping track of your own points helps you see what it takes to be successful at Meets. It is a great way for you to set goals and measure your performances against athletes from other teams in our League or across the state.