Injuries may happen. Despite our best intentions to individualize each athlete's training program, many athletes come into the season underprepared and we see injuries that could have been avoided. Many injuries stem from doing too much too soon. Track & Field practice WILL make you sore and tired! We’ll be running and doing drills every day regardless of the event. You shouldn’t anticipate an easy transition if you’ve been on the couch all winter!
If any athlete experiences huge discomfort that 1) lasts longer than one week, or 2) causes a significant change in his/her gait (limping, etc) or throwing mechanics, he or she MUST report this to the coaches immediately. Our first course of action is always the trainer, but we may recommend an athlete visit a doctor to rule out any major injury. Keeping an injury to yourself can be extremely dangerous and may result in being out for the season. Address it early! Our coaches and trainers are highly qualified to recognize injuries and we typically recommend a course of action that requires the athlete’s presence at practice or at the Trainer’s Office in lieu of practice. Therefore, do not self-diagnose and “go home” if you think you are injured or ill. If you are at school all day, we expect you to attend practice regardless of how you feel. It is up to the coach to decide whether or not you sit out, do an alternative workout, go to the trainer, or go home.
Athletic Trainer: Olivia Marsten Trainer’s Office # 303-655-4253
Injuries may happen. Despite our best intentions to individualize each athlete's training program, many athletes come into the season underprepared and we see injuries that could have been avoided. Many injuries stem from doing too much too soon. Track & Field practice WILL make you sore and tired! We’ll be running and doing drills every day regardless of the event. You shouldn’t anticipate an easy transition if you’ve been on the couch all winter!
If any athlete experiences huge discomfort that 1) lasts longer than one week, or 2) causes a significant change in his/her gait (limping, etc) or throwing mechanics, he or she MUST report this to the coaches immediately. Our first course of action is always the trainer, but we may recommend an athlete visit a doctor to rule out any major injury. Keeping an injury to yourself can be extremely dangerous and may result in being out for the season. Address it early! Our coaches and trainers are highly qualified to recognize injuries and we typically recommend a course of action that requires the athlete’s presence at practice or at the Trainer’s Office in lieu of practice. Therefore, do not self-diagnose and “go home” if you think you are injured or ill. If you are at school all day, we expect you to attend practice regardless of how you feel. It is up to the coach to decide whether or not you sit out, do an alternative workout, go to the trainer, or go home.
Athletic Trainer: Olivia Marsten Trainer’s Office # 303-655-4253