"The future depends on what you do today...everyday is a chance to have fun and get better...what do you what from today?"
We don't know when the season will officially begin or what it will look like, but if you want to be competitive when it starts, you need to continue to work.
*Maintain conditioning and we will work on approach, take-off and in-air mechanics when we return!
*Make sure before every workout you stretch properly. Warm-up Card
(Note: Abs: do a routine you see fit, mine is just a suggestion!)
Day 1 Low-Impact Plyo Day
1) POGOS (10M for two feet and 5M for one foot.) A) Two feet forwardE) Right foot backI) Sideways Right Leg B) Two feet backF) Left foot backJ) Sideways Left Leg C) Right foot forwardG) Two feet sideways D) Left foot backH) other direction two feet sideways
*Do the entire set and then go back and repeat the set. *Remember one leg sideways, move towards raised leg!! *Make sure to give yourself a min of 10 sec recovery between each rep!!
2) Find a line on the track and do quick jumps back and forth over the line (two feet=30 sec. one foot=15 sec.) A) Two feet front to backD) Two feet side to side B) Right foot front to backE) Right foot side to side C) Left foot front to backF) Left foot side to side *Do the above set three times.
3) If possible, jump rope for 45 secs. (x5 with 20 second recovery between each)
4) Legs A) 25 squats (rest)B) 24 standing lungs (rest) C) 10 one leg squats (rest)D) 10 other leg squats (rest) *The above set should be down twice
5) Abs A) Bike (30 secs)B) Accordion (30 secs)C) Snake (30 secs)D) Gut busters (20 secs) *Do the above set 2-3 times with a partner, so you recover while they work and vice-a-versa.
Day 2 Medium-Impact Plyo Day
1) Mini hurdle work (I know you might not have hurdles, but you can imagine) (10 hurdles) 1) Two foot quick hops, power jump at end and sprint 10m 2) Right foot quick hops, NO power jump and sprint 10m 3) Left foot quick hops, NO power jump and sprint 10m 4) Sideways quick hops, power jump at end to turn and sprint 10m 5) Right foot sideways quick hops, No power jump and sprint 10m 6) Left foot sideways quick hops, NO power jump and spring 10m 7) Two foot front hop into side landing, side jump into front landing, etc…, power jump and sprint 10m 8) Then do opposite direction from the one you did above *Do the above set three times.
2) Stadium Stairs A) Two feet every stepE) Right foot skip a stepI) Right sideways (10) B) Right foot every stepF) Left foot skip a stepJ) Left sideways (10) C) Left foot every stepG) Two feet skip as many as you can D) Two skip a stepH) Sideways two feet up and down (10) *Do the above set 3 times. * Do what you can...if you are not at one foot, do it again with two feet!
3) 8-8-2 A) 24 Quats then rest B) 20 Step Lungs then rest C) 20 Scissors then rest D) 24 Power Jumps then rest *Take a few minutes to recover E) 8-8-2 (put it all together in one attempted under 2 minutes)
4) Abs A) Bike (3o secs) B) Accordion (30 secs) C) Snake (30 secs) D) Gut busters (20 secs) *Do the above set 2-3 times.
Day 3 Speed/Runway Day
1) Build-ups (we have done this as warm-up before) A) 25M @ 25% (25M total) B) 25M @ 25% increase 25M @ 50% (50M total) C) 25M @ 25% increase 25M @ 50% increase 25M @ 75% (75M total) D) 25M @ 25% increase 25M @ 50% increase 25M @ 75% increase 25M @ 100% (100M total)
2) 10 x 30M (full speed)
3) Lungs A) 50m-forward lungs (rest)B) 50m-backwards lungs (rest) C) 50m-forward lungs (rest)D) 50m-backwards lungs (rest)
4) Abs A) Bike (30 secs)B) Accordion (30 secs)C) Snake (30 secs)D) Gut busters (20 secs) *Do the above set 2-3 times
Day 4 High Impact Plyo Day
1) Box/Bench Jumps A) Box Run (up, down, up, down) (10)F) Double Box Jumps with Power Jump (Top) (x3) B) Double Leg Jump Ups (10)G) Sideways, Top to Bottom and Back (x5) C) Single Leg Jump Ups (5 each leg)H) Double Box Jumps with Power Jump (Over) (x5) D) Double Leg Side Jump Ups (10) (Both directions)I) Sideways Back and Forth (Over) (x5) E) Single Leg Side Jump Ups (5 each leg) *While doing all these jumps, keep your back and your pelvis aligned in the upright position!! ** Do this two times.
2) Box endurance A) Box runs (run up and down, up and down) (30 secs) B) Box scissors/skiers (30 secs) C) Jump up and down (30 secs) *do the above set 3 times **trying to get the most reps in as possible in time frame
3) Take-offs A) Walking Rocker (heel to toe) (10 on each foot) B) Skipping Rocker (heel to toe (10 on each foot) C) Rocker for Height (heel to toe) (10 on each foot) D) Continuous Take-off (heel to toe (10 on each foot) *do this two times
4) Bounding A) for height (10 each leg) B) for distance (10 each leg) C) Leap Frogs (Broad Jumps) get as far as you can with two legs in three jumps *do the above 4 times
5) 8-8-2 (With Medicine balls if possible) A) 24 Quats then rest B) 20 Step Lungs then rest C) 20 Scissors then rest D) 24 Power Jumps then rest *Take a few minutes to recover E) 8-8-2 (put it all together in one attempted under 2 minutes)
6) Abs A) Bike (30 secs)B) Accordion (30 secs)C) Snake (30 secs)D) Gut busters (20 secs) *Do the above set 2-3 times